
Kyoto Standard Tours

flag Kyoto 5 (Seven-Hour) Sake Breweries & Fushimi area

The 1st Site

Fushimi Sake Breweries

The 2nd Site

Tofukuji-temple(Zen Rock Garden)

Final Site

 Fushimi Inari Shrine(vermillion Gates)

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flag Kyoto 4 (Seven-Hour) Zen Rock Garden & Higashiyama

The 1st Site

Nanzenji-temple(Zen Rock Garden)

The 2nd Site

Walking Philosopher’s path

The 3rd Site

Ginkakuji-temple(Silver Pavilion)

Final Site

 Kyoto Gosho(Imperial Palace)


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flag Kyoto 3 (Seven-Hour) Arashiyama & Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion)

The 1st Site

Bamboo forest

The 2nd Site

Tenryuji-temple(famous for its beautiful garden)

The 3rd Site

 Togetsu bridge

Final Site

Kinkakuji-temple(Golden Pavilion)


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flag Kyoto 2 (Seven-Hour) Shogun Palaces & Local Food market

The 1st Site

Kinkakuji-Temple(the Golden Pavilion)

The 2nd Site

 Ryoanji temple

The 3rd Site

Nijo Castle(visit the last shogun’s palace)

Final Site

Nishiki food market


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flag Kyoto 1 (Seven-Hour) Vermillion Gates & Higashiyama

The 1st Site

Fushimi Inari Shrine (vermillion Gates)

The 2nd Site

 Sanjusangendo temple

The 3rd Site

Kiyomizu temple

Final Site

Sannezaka and Ninenzaka(well reserved old town)


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